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Amiben Modi: Coronavirus is not a joke, everyone should take a 10 minute sun bath !

Spiritual healer Amiben Modi urges people to take the coronavirus scare seriously. She says that it’s important for us to understand the gravity of the situation. “To all the readers my first and foremost thought is that Coronavirus is not a joke, it is a serious illness and it is grave to all those impacted and hence my request is to stop making memes, stop with the forwards and jokes on this matter,” she says, adding, “I applaud the efforts of our honourable prime minister and the doctors and again urge you all to be positive, be mindful and be responsible.”

She says that it’s important to practice social distancing at the moment and stay indoors. “My request to all readers is to bring self-awareness- save yourself and in turn reduce the chances of more spread. Don’t get tempted to go out thinking you won’t get infected,” she says.

It is also important to strengthen yourself spiritually, she says, “Spiritually, I staunchly believe in the power of prayer and gratitude. I urge each individual to spend 5 mins in the morning and evening to pray for the world’s health. Even if you’re not infected if the world is not healthy, it won’t be safe for you and your loved ones,” she adds.

Amiben also stresses the need to spend sometime in the sun. “To increase your immunity and to reduce the chances of spread, everyone should take a 10 minute sun bath right at your home, by your window, every morning as the sun has the most strength to give,” she says. 

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